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现金娱乐网注册 Logo
March 09, 2020 | May 15, 2020 | 130,125 total views

洛杉矶无家可归者服务管理局(现金娱乐网注册)正在与洛杉矶县公共卫生部(DPH)以及其他城市密切合作, County, 以及联邦合作伙伴,制定和实施与洛杉矶无家可归者有关的COVID-19协调应对措施. 本网站旨在帮助我们的供应商和合作伙伴及时更新资源和信息. 

As this is an emerging, rapidly evolving issue, 现金娱乐网注册 and its partners will provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance. Please visit this and other referenced pages often.


Learn more about Project Roomkey
COVID-19: Additional Resources for Providers

我们编制了一份额外资源清单(补充本页),您可能会在COVID-19危机期间发现这些资源有所帮助. Resources include economic/workforce development, supplies/donations, homelessness prevention, basic needs, and more. Updates will be made regularly, so check back often.

COVID-19: Additional Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness


COVID-19 Provider Hotline Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • FAQ (Updated on April 29)
Los Angeles Continuum of Care COVID-19 Resources
现金娱乐网注册 Program Changes During Declared Public Emergencies Form 4368
Housing for Health and Office of Diversion and Reentry Resources


General Information

Please visit DPH and CDC’s pages for updates on COVID-19, helpful resources and guidance for specialized entities and groups, infographics on handwashing and COVID-19 basics, etc.


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Coronavirus Portal

New LA CoC Policy: COVID-19 Enhanced Risk Service Delivery in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (Added on March 25)

Food Programs By SPA (ENGLISH) PDF | Food Programs By SPA (SPANISH) PDF (Added on April 1)

Hygiene Services Locations List (Added on March 20)

United States Interagency Council on Homelessness: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources (Added on March 12)

Myth Busters (Added on March 12)

  • COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates
    From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures if you live in, or travel to an area reporting COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. 通过这样做,你可以消除手上的病毒,避免触摸眼睛可能发生的感染, mouth, and nose.
  • Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus.
    There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. 保护自己免受新型冠状病毒感染的最有效方法是经常用含酒精的免洗洗手液洗手或用肥皂和水洗手.

现金娱乐网注册 and Homeless Initiative Present the Faith Community’s Response to COVID-19

What 现金娱乐网注册 is Doing to Address the Coronavirus


  • 现金娱乐网注册’s leadership is in close contact with officials at DPH, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness, and the U.S. 住房和城市发展部正在接收最新进展和限制接触冠状病毒的最佳方法. 
  • 应急管理办公室已指定现金娱乐网注册为与无家可归者有关的工作的牵头机构. OEM这样做是为了确保在日常工作中捕捉到现金娱乐网注册的专业知识,并允许现金娱乐网注册在市和县机构之间发挥中心协调作用. 
  • 现金娱乐网注册与县紧急行动中心密切协调,以确保无家可归者的专业知识为我们系统的反应提供信息.
  • 现金娱乐网注册正在与DPH和OEM合作,为我们的供应商提供个人防护设备和其他基本用品,如洗手液, tissues, water, and masks for people who may sick.  
  • 国土安全部和DPH的临床医生 以及现金娱乐网注册的工作人员将每周与现金娱乐网注册团队会面,讨论方法和支持.

Expanding Shelter Access

  • 在3月31日通常结束的日期之后,现金娱乐网注册已经确保了12个冬季避难所项目的延期. 这一行动确保每天24小时为我们无家可归的人口提供900多个低屏障床位. 我们继续与市和县的供应商和合作伙伴合作,在大流行期间延长更多的站点,并预计所有冬季避难所的规划至少将延长到4月底.
  • 现金娱乐网注册 is working with the City of Los Angeles to set up its 42 planned shelters. Over the weekend 现金娱乐网注册 was instrumental in opening the first eight, and we look forward to working with the City to open the others.
  • 我们还与我们的合作伙伴合作,创造了2000张床位,我们可以隔离出现症状的人. 我们将使用加州政府提供的房车和该县正在追求的汽车旅馆. 我们正在探索其他机会,以便在疫情继续扩大时做好准备. 900 beds have been secured to date.

Increasing Hygiene

  • 现金娱乐网注册 is supporting the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office, County Board of Supervisors, and City Council Members by:
    • Identifying locations for over 300 mobile hygiene stations to people living outdoors 
    • Deployed 18 mobile shower facilities across the county.


  • 我们的外联小组接受了有关最佳做法的全面培训,以保证自身安全,并确保他们遇到出现流感样症状的人得到正确的医疗护理. 洛杉矶县治安部门和庇护所提供者也利用了这一培训. 
  • 目前正在与CARE和CARE+团队合作的外展团队将继续支持这些团队. In addition, 他们将向他们遇到的无家可归者传递有关covid -19的信息,以及如何减少感染病毒的机会.
  • 我们不隶属于CARE和CARE +的外展团队正在寻找他们在过去3-6个月内接触过的55岁以上或患有慢性疾病的客户,以确保他们获得有关COVID-19的信息以及如何减少感染病毒的机会.

Informing Providers and Community 

  • 现金娱乐网注册 has provided the latest information about how Coronavirus is transmitted, known symptoms and treatment, and what steps to take to prevent transmission to every staff member, partner, and provider. 
  • 该协会与其在卫生服务部的伙伴合作,制定和管理专门针对住房提供者的培训.
  • We’ve notified our employees, partners, and providers about best practices to prevent and prepare for a COVID-19 outbreak.
  • 现金娱乐网注册 launched a robust, comprehensive COVID-19 web portal aimed at providing key guidance for the homeless services system. It includes locally-developed training webinars for interim housing providers and outreach teams, program guidance and tools from DPH and CDC, as well as infectious disease preparedness guidance for agencies.


Resources for Interim Housing Providers

DPH COVID Training for Congregate Settings (Added April 23)

  • Training slides
  • Audio recording of training

疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)关于在进入无家可归者收容所时筛查客户呼吸道感染症状的指南 (Added on April 1)

COVID-19 & Personal Protective Equipment: Interim Guidance (Added on March 24)

DPH Guidance for Homeless Shelters (Added on March 22)

CDC Interim guidance for homeless service providers to plan and respond to COVID-19 (Added on March 22)

Interim Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Added on March 19)

Guidance for People Experiencing Homelessness (Added on March 17)

Webinar Recording: Infectious Disease Preparedness Among Homeless Assistance Providers and Their Partners (Added on March 12)

网络研讨会报告:无家可归者援助提供者及其合作伙伴的传染病防范 (Added on March 12)

Webinar Recording: Preparing for COVID-19 in Congregate/Communal Settings (Added on March 12)

Webinar Presentation: Preparing for COVID-19 in Congregate/Communal Settings (Added on March 11)

住房和城市发展部:无家可归者援助提供者的传染病准备网络研讨会更新:发布的材料和即将到来的办公时间 (Added on March 11)

BCSH: Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Added on March 11)

DPH Guidance for Homeless Shelters (Added on March 9)

DPH Shelter Assessment Tool (Added on March 9)

DPH Infection Control Basics for Shelters (Added on March 9)

DPH Symptomatic Client Poster (Added on March 9)

HUD Preventing and Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Shelters (Added on March 9)


Resources for Outreach Teams

COVID-19 and Street Outreach: A Quick Guide to Keeping Safe and Delivering Care (Added on March 24)

COVID-19 & Personal Protective Equipment: Interim Guidance (Added on March 24)

DPH Guidance for Homeless Service Agencies and Outreach Teams (Added on March 22)

CDC Interim Guidance for Responding to COVID-19 among People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness (Added on March 22)

Hygiene Services Locations List (Added on March 20)

Guidance for People Experiencing Homelessness (Added on March 17)

网络研讨会录音:为COVID-19做准备:洛杉矶县无家可归者外展小组及其机构的指导 (Added on March 12)

网络研讨会演讲:为COVID-19做准备:洛杉矶县无家可归者外展小组及其机构的指导 (Added on March 9)

DPH Guidance for Field Staff (non-healthcare workers) (Added on March 9)

Training: Infectious Disease Basics for Outreach Workers (Added on March 9)

Preventing and Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Encampments (Added on March 9)

LASAN/YMCA Partnership for Additional Hygiene Facilities Flyer (Added on April 7)

Resources For Healthcare Providers

DPH’s portal for healthcare providers (Added on March 9)

注册洛杉矶健康警报网络(LAHAN),通过电子邮件接收卫生专业人员的指导. (Added on March 9)

Resources for Agency Infectious Disease Preparedness for Agencies

DPH’s Guidance for Employers (Added on March 9)

疾病预防控制中心指导和技术援助(TA)材料传染病准备指导无家可归者援助提供者 (Added on March 9)

HUD’s Infectious Disease Toolkit for CoCs (Added on March 9)

HUD’s Disease Risks and Homelessness Portal (Added on March 9)

Coping and COVID-19

CDC's guidance on mental health/coping (Added on March 9)


Information from 现金娱乐网注册

Coronavirus Disease: What you can do to Prepare in the Homeless Services Sector (Added on March 9)

Coronavirus Disease: What Organizations can do to Prevent And Prepare (Added on March 9)

Follow on Social Media

DPH’s Twitter

CDC’s Twitter

现金娱乐网注册’s Twitter


2020 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Results
COVID-19 Guidance for Los Angeles County Homeless Services Community
2019 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Results
Problem-Solved: Rafael's Journey Home
Covid-19: Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, And Stalking Resources
Winter Shelter Program Update: 24-Hour Activation Announcement